Friday, April 16, 2010

I am done!

I think I may just be done changing diapers. Well,my own kids, I still have to change the babe I am watching daily. Now back to my kids though,
I believe Ally is finally potty trained! The lights went on in her head on Monday and she has been dry the whole week and through the night the last two days!
What a relief it is... such a weight off my shoulders... I was beginning to think she was going to turn 4 in pullups :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

need a laugh?

This is HILARIOUS! Call the Nestle Chocolate Hotline at 1-800-295-0051. When asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish, wait quietly for about 10 seconds and you will smile. Keep going and press 4. Then press 7. If you comment on this, DON'T GIVE AWAY THE SURPRISE!

Marcia Lynn McClure (my all time favorite author!) posted this to her Facebook profile, I had a hard time getting through but with patience it is worth it for a laugh. I havnt tried the other options but plan on it :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

your tummys what?

Elijah: I'm starving mom... mom, I am starving
Mom: Get something to eat then
Elijah: Ok
Ally: Im farting mom... my tummys farting

oh the things kids hear wrong