Thursday, January 31, 2013

long time

It has been so long since I have done this blogging thing. I have tried several times to make it happen daily and failed. Today I am here because I had a thought come to me and I thought about sharing it on facebook but realized that it would be quite hard to do so in a single status. I do not care to be one of those people who post 40 status updates a day, I am not saying those who do shouldnt (well maybe some of them shouldnt) but I dont want to do it. I decided I would try to express my self here, even though there is a high probability my mom will be the only one who reads this, and that is because as soon as I post it I will call her and tell her to :)

I have been watching Downton Abbey and have enjoyed the intensity of the story, I dont think I will get in to details of the story and if someone who is reading this hasnt seen it, go watch it! :) I will say it is set in the early 1900's and the first 3 seasons take you from 1912 to about 1920. 

On to what my thoughts were. As I was leaving Sams Club this morning, I can go early because I have a business membership through my dad, I was wondering what I would say if someone asked me what my job was. I know they dont care and as long as you have the right card you can get in early but I sometimes let my imagination get away from me. Anyway back to my job. I thought I could say housekeeper, and because I have been watching this show, head housekeeper came to my mind next. Of course that made me smile, I have no qualms about being a stay at home mom and am certainly not embarrassed about it but to the "real" world I dont have a job so I figure head house keeper is an apt title! 

Now since I had put my mind on Downton Abbey with the head housekeeper thing, I started thinking that the problem with todays way of thinking is that no one takes pride in there jobs or careers anymore. I know there really are those who do but they seem to be disappearing. People are needing more validation than a job well done,  they want validation in moving promotion, need valitation in raises in income. So they do the least amount possible to get those. Other people are above working certain jobs so they willingly take welfare and government hand outs. I have to say I know not everyone getting government help is guilty of this mentality but many are. 

The butler in Downton Abbey is an example of someone who is honored to have his position and it shows in his work. He feels lucky to be where he is and feels no need to change, this could be seen as a negative thing and I may not be expressing myself well but I think he is the example of taking pride in his work we all can learn from. It doesnt matter that no one else might notice that minute scratch in the silver, he knows it is there and therefor he must be the one to change it. While he may go to the extremes with this, I think many of us could use a little more of it, and even more could use a lot more!

There are servants that come and go throughout the show, most of them see this work as a stepping stone to the next lvl and that gets them into trouble so they lose their job. I am not saying ambition is a bad thing, I just think that ambition should not stop you from doing the very best you can until you get the opportunity to advance in a career. 

I really dont think I am putting words to my thoughts well. I guess I am just saying that I think the world would be a much better place if we still valued ourselves and our daily duties to do the very best we can at all times. I know I would be in a much better place if I could do this. Again I am honored to be a mother and wife but in my daily activities I have not shown this. I am making an effort starting today to show more pride* in my head housekeeper position!

*I have a hard time saying pride and proud because of the bad side of those words, in this case I thing pride and proud are positive things :)

I would love to hear from anyone who is blessed to read this ;) How do you go the extra mile in your lives, (Career or job, inside or outside the home) what do you do to take pride in a job well done!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I am dating this months before actual post so anyone reading my post about Man of Steel wont stumble on to it on accident.

(a) I liked that Lois Lane knows who Superman is. The way they meet is so different than what you know.

(b) The way Clark's father dies is different, I thought it was but had to ask my husband how/if he died in the 
  original story.  Clark moves from job to job always leaving after saving someone. I am not sure what he did in the other stories, if they even tell about how he decided to be a reporter. I found this to be interesting
 but also added to the disjointedness of the beginning.

(c) The fortress of solitude is not the same, in fact there really is not fortress, only a left over ship.  

(d) This really was the most frustrating part of the movie for me. After watching Kal-El and General Zod 
beat on each other, destroy Smallville and Metropolis for what felt like hours (maybe 30 min?) 
Superman suddenly is able to break Zod's neck! Would have been better to suck him into the black
 hole with everyone else and have it be done there.

(e)  A female soldier laughing as Superman flies away and is asked what is funny (or something like that) and
 her reply is "I just think he is really hot"

(f) Kal-El in handcuffs. (just think about it)

(g) when Kal-El  is fighting a machine in one of the space ships because he is trying to shut it down. The
 special effects are amazing, and after all the distruction it has caused you just want to cheer when
 Superman prevails and "kills" it.