Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kitchen Aid

All my growing years we never had a stand mixer. If we wanted cookies we pulled out the hand mixer and got an upper arm workout. Some of my best memories are of mixing cookie dough with my sisters, sneaking bites and even flipping the batter when the beaters same out of the bowl to soon. Still I always wished for a big stand mixer. So you can imagine the happy day I got one.

I have used it for so many things, frosting, cookies... frosting... yep that's about everything. Now, I have been so thankful to have it, can you imagine the pain of making 20+ cups of frosting for a wedding cake with out it. I can. (the color drains from my face) Its. not. pretty.

I have recently decided that I have not been using this mixer to its full potential. (Seriously what mixer wants to be known as a uni-tasker, I think they all aspire to be multi-taskers.) I decided to make bread using the ever so nifty dough hook that comes with my amazing mixer. I got an awesome recipe from a neighbor (only takes an hour from start to finish) and made it.
The kids got home from school and you would have thought it was Christmas morning. had I known how easy they are to please I would have employed the mixer in this task sooner. There were cries of "homemade bread", "can we have some", "when did you make bread" and reading (listening) between the lines,"I didn't know you could learn something new" and "why didn't you make bread years ago" even "wow, is that my mom, who knew she could be cool"

We were off and running till one day I decided to use "Dear Mixer" for an old purpose... cookies
I guess she decided she was better than cookies now, hit a brown sugar clump and quit working. I was devastated. I have been so spoiled since I got her I thought I was not going to be able to finish the cookies. Then the light came on, the hand mixer! Ugg not sure how we made it all those years only using that tool of torture. I guess if you have nothing to compare it to, its not so bad. Anyway I finished the cookie dough and had no energy left to make the cookies, (wink wink)

Next I had to find a place or person to fix my baby. I called so many places and got the same answer from everyone. the only authorized "clinic" was downtown. I was worried what that would cost me if they had a monopoly on Kitchen Aid stand mixers, so da ta da da, Kevin called "Dr" Brian, his father. He can fix most anything. He kept Mixer two nights and brought her back to me as good as new. Only a 35 dollar part and I had it back. Now I will be sure to talk sweet things to her before I ask her to mix beneath her lofty aspirations.
Thanks so much to "Dr" Brian!!!

1 comment:

Christina B. said...

What a great story! And Dr. Brian sounds like he has great fix-it skills! But I have to disagree with you... in my opinion there is no greater purpose that to help make chocolate chip cookies!! I did have to laugh when I remembered making cookies though. Mom was never amused when she could smell the motor burning on her trusty mixer, which happened EVERY time I used it. :) Thanks for reminding me of some good memories!