Tuesday, October 7, 2008

you know you're a mom when...

a trick played on you isn't even on purpose. Last night I was on the computer till about 1200 when I decided having blurred vision meant it was time to stop searching facebook and go to bed. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (no mom I didn't just wet the brush) After putting the toothpaste on and starting the brushing process I noticed my toothbrush tasted funny. I thought "oh well" and finished the activity, rinsed and thought "Humm what is that awful taste" the more I contemplated it I came to the conclusion....SOAP... soap. on. my. toothbrush!!! Oh how bad can it get, I drank water, milk and finally (sorry mom) chewed bubble gum. My guess... Elijah either thought he was helping or just found a cool thing to put in the bar of soap on the counter. (I am going with the latter)
moral of the story: go to bed before blurred vision and maybe see soapy residue on toothbrush....... maybe not

1 comment:

Christina B. said...

I think it's a positive sign that you didn't assume Kevin did it to you. :)

Sorry that happened though, the taste of soap is so icky!