Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poor Kevin

My husband Kevin has had a wonderful hobby for the past 2 years... well maybe I should start at the beginning.
While pregnant with child #3 I got a little emotional one day and decide we needed a fish tank, Kevin was not sure about that idea. I did a little coaxing and we came home from Wal-Mart with a 10 gallon tank, stand and the bare necessities. We had the tank maybe a month when Kevin's brother said he had a 100+ tank we could borrow. Suddenly a tank was the best idea he had come up with. He brought it home along with a big, black, uh beautiful? stand. try to envision a tank about 2.5 feet high, 2 feet deep and 6 feet long, on top of a 3.5 foot stand made out of 2x4 and painted black. My first thought was, uh uh, not in my house.

Thankfully I have my own Dr. Dad who can make almost anything he puts his mind to. He crafted a nice open stand that would hold the 10 gallon tank under the big one. We decided to have a fresh water tank with African Chiclids and breed guppies as food. We realized the tank was only 80 gallons while treating our fish for ick and killed them with to much treatment. so we started over and they grew to be 4 to 9 inches the kids had a grand time with them.

Then we added a 30 gallon salt water tank to the mix. I realized Kevin really wanted a salt water tank and I didn't want a front room full of fish and their habitats. We decided to trade up to a 144 gallon half round tank, and only one tank. We used our tax return and had one delivered.
With all the compliments we received I always referred to the tank as Kevin's baby. I got mine and now he had his. All his birthday and Christmas presents went into the tank he learned a lot about Salt water aquariums and would light up if anyone was interested in his hobby.

Recently he had to put a lot of hours into school and couldn't put in overtime at work so our finances came to the front burner and he realized just what this hobby was costing and decided that he needed to cut losses and give it up. After two years investing all the time, money and emotions he decided he would be ok and this was what he could do to help. I must say I am proud of him in doing what he thinks is good for his family because I don't think I could have ever asked him to.

He sold his fish and corals in two weeks and just sold the rock and tank this week. It was suggested that he keep the tank and put plants or something in it but I cant imagine the annoying feeling of having to look at the tank every day wishing there were fish in it. Who knows what the future will bring.

All I know is I need to be very careful what I decide I need in the future, because who knows how big the end result will be... I want a miniature Schnauzer, he wants a Mastiff... I want a 40 in TV he wants nothing less than 60 in... I want a cat he wants a... lion?
*Kevin says not a lion, a Siberian tiger


Christina B. said...

Linda, good for you for finding the humor in a tough situation! I'm still laughing about your last paragraph- it's so funny! I imagine this has been hard for both of you but I admire Kevin's decision a lot.

Lisa B Nell said...

I am proud of Kevin too.... I don't think I could EVER sell my elephant collection! :) Maybe you can find a way to use this to your advantage... Think of something Big you want.. And just tell him you want the smaller version! :)